Village is one of the most convenient and hassle-free ways to get your routine work done with a few taps. Village is a service providing app that offers services which the user wants. The app is quite user-friendly and provides all services like providers can give home decoration, photography, cooking, etc. at their comfort. When you sign up, you’ll be a Patron where you can find, chat with, and hire local service providers. When you are ready to start selling a service, you can quickly become a provider. User and service providers can directly interact with each other as there are no middle-men in the Village app. Utilize your time & skills on a flexible basis and feel like your own Manager. It is one of the best marketplaces that help you outsource your task and hire the best service providers.

Client Requirement
Our client believes that you can have anything you want in life if you first help enough other people get what they want. To do that, we want to help you first to do more of what you love. That means making money by doing things that you love and easily finding other people to do the things you don’t enjoy. What’s play to you is work to someone else, and vice versa. The client came to Hyperlink InfoSystem with this unique idea to create an online platform that connects service seekers and service providers to essential services within minutes. We have turned it successfully into a reality. The app is available on Android and iOS platforms and developed to provide domestic urban services.

- Signup using necessary details like name, email, mobile number, etc. Login with email & password, and Google.
OTP Verification
- For secure login, you need to verify with the OTP code.
Forgot Password
- You can create a new password by selecting the Forgot Password option.
Service Provider List
- View the nearest service providers list with Map view.
Hire Service Providers
- Customers can chat with service providers about service, and if both are convinced, then the customer can hire service.
- A chat feature is integrated for service providers and service seekers who can communicate through chat for tasks.
Profile Settings
- Users can view the mobile number, image, and email.
- Here users have an option to become provider, edit profile, and show job orders.
- Users can update profile image, user name, name mobile in edit profile.
Job Order – Customer
- Service providers can view all orders of the running order, completed order, and cancel the order.

- Service seekers pay service amounts to providers through cash.
Rate & Review
- Service providers and seekers can review each other.
Become Provider
- Service seekers become providers by providing essential details.
- Add service which they want to deliver.
- Users can select a subscription plan to become a provider.
Job Order – Providers
- A provider can see all the running, completed, and canceled job orders and can cancel accepted job orders and accept or reject the order.
Payment Request
- Providers can send a request to customers for payment.
Provider Profile and Edit Profile
- The service provider can view all the essential details and switch providers to customers.
Admin Panel Features
- View and edit customers' details.
- Active/Inactive customers.
Customer Management
Service Provider Management
- View and edit service provider details.
- Active/Inactive service providers.
Service Category Management
- Add/Edit services.
- Active/Inactive services.
- Approved/Unapproved custom added services.

Report Management
- Any user report for the service provider.
- Any Provider report for the user.
Order Request Management
- View waiting, rejected, canceled, pending, and finished order request.
- Search by date and also genrate excel sheet of data.
Subscription Plan Managemnet
- Add/edit/delete plan.
- Active/Inactive plan.

Twillio Chat Management
The biggest challenge that we faced was to implement the twillio chat service. We needed to manage unique names for all chat conversion and redirect to the particular chat conversion. It is also complex to give images and videos sharing option in chat and store it in the twillio server. On the other hand, we needed to manage push notification and notify users when they are in patron mode and receive notification from provider mode and vice versa. After some in-depth research, our developers managed such a complex scenario by implementing a twillio chat service with their custom algorithm.
Android OS Support:
Android 5.1 to Android 9.0
Kotlin using Android Studio 3.2
iOS OS Support:
iOS 10.0 or later
Swift 5.0 using Xcode 10.2
Website & Admin Panel
Technology: PHP, CodeIgniter Framework
Database: MySQL
API: REST API in JSON format