Ustaz Students App Features – For Students
- Signup with the necessary details.
- Log in with email id and password.
- Alternatively, students can log in through Facebook or Google.
- After login, students can select their preferred education field. Based on their selected field, the list of tutors will be displayed to students.
OTP Integration
- OTP will be sent to the student's mobile number to verify the account.
Forgot Password
- Create a new password by choosing the Forgot Password option.
Enable Parental Control Feature
- For the small child, parents have an option to set a parental pin at the time of booking.
View Courses
- Based on their field, students can view different courses and select courses to find a tutor list.
View Tutor
- Based on the selected category, the tutor's list will be displayed to the students. Students can view a tutor's profile in it.
- Students can filter tutors based on time, type (personal meeting or online board lessons), and ratings.
View Tutor Profile
- Students can view the tutor's information like name, qualification, picture, ratings, and price per hour.
- Students can book a particular tutor as a personal meeting or online board lessons, and the price will be shown accordingly.
Book Tutor
- Students have two types to book tutor:
Personal Meeting
- Students need to add their details like address, date & time, and several hours for study.
- Tutors will go to the student's location and guide them.
Online Board Lesson
- In this type, we have integrated the Zite board where students and tutors can connect. Zite board allows them to communicate through Video Call, Voice Call, and Text Messages.
- Students can pay an amount to tutor through Syberpay.
Rate & Review
- Based on the teaching experience & interaction, students can give ratings and reviews to tutors.
View Tutorials
- Students can view tutorials based on the available topic and can also purchase the whole course of a particular topic. Once they purchase it, they can watch it online.
My Sessions
- Students can view the list of past and future bookings.
My Exam
- Students can view all MCQ exams sent by a tutor; they need to select one answer from multiple options. Once an exam is over, students can see the result. If they have passed the exam, they can view the image of the certificate with their name. They can save the image of a certificate to the gallery or share it through other apps.
- Students can get a notification in the following scenarios,
- Tutor accept/reject student's request.
- When tutor upload exams.
- Emergency close Zite board.

Ustaz Tutors App Features – For Tutors
Signup & Login
- Signup with basic details
- During Signup, tutors need to upload their certificates.
- Log in with email id and Password.
- Alternatively, tutors can log in through Facebook and Google.
Availability Settings
- Tutors need to set availability for each day of the week.
- They can select the start time and end time of their availability.
Booking Request
- Tutors will receive session requests where they can accept or reject it.
- Tutors can view session requests and their details. They can accept or reject it according to their availability.
Add Bank Details
- Tutors need to add bank details to get payment.
Manage Course
- Tutors can select multiple courses for tutoring, select type of tutoring, and set prices.
Upload Tutorials
- Tutors can upload a tutorial with information like name, video, free or paid tutorial, the price for a particular topic, and select course.
Map View
- Tutors navigate to students' addresses using inbuilt map navigation.
Create Exam
- Tutors can create multiple exams where they can enter the question with possible answers and correct answers.
- They can enter passing marks for exams.

Admin Panel Features:
Student Management
- Admin can view all students, edit active/inactive students, view students' profiles, and delete student details.
Tutor Management
- Admin can view all tutor, edit, active/inactive tutor, view tutor's profiles, and also delete tutor details.
Country Management
- Admin can view all countries, add a new country, edit country, and active/inactive country.

Education Types Management
- Admin can view all education types, add new education type, edit education type, and active/inactive education type.
Education Levels Management
- Admin can view all education levels, add new education level, edit education level, and active/inactive education level.
Subjects Management
- Admin can view all subjects, add a new subject, edit subject, and active/inactive subject.

Specialism Management
- Admin can view specialisms, add new specialism, edit specialism, and active/inactive specialism.
Ads Management
- Admin can view all advertisements, view/edit/delete, and active/inactive ads.

Colors & Typography
- Android
- Android OS Support:
Android 5.1 to Android 9.0
- Development:
Java using Android Studio 3.3
- iOS
- iOS OS Support:
iOS 9 to 12
- Development:
Swift using Xcode
- Website & Admin Panel
- Technology:
PHP, CodeIgniter Framework
- Database:
- API:
REST API in JSON format