White-label Education Helper App
Gone is the time when we had to solve our study-related problems in a school or university or never knew whether we could trust the response we found through the internet. The StudentlinkX mobile application allows peers (students and teachers) to connect with their other peers and get accurate solutions to their educational problems within 24 hours. Users can create their accounts and ask for help or even offer a solution to a request for help from other students of the same level or below or with teachers with similar subjects as their strong subjects. Along with that, teachers can create their profiles, decide the time of their availability and offer help based on their proficiency. Any private or government school and TAFE/University can use this white-label solution allowing their students and teachers to connect with each other and solve issues in real-time without waiting for the next class.

Client Requirements
The client wanted a white-label solution that can allow any school or university to provide a platform where their students and teachers can communicate with others effortlessly. Using this application students can post their work problems as a request so that other students and teachers of the same school can solve them based on their understanding. The client wanted to allow various schools, universities, and TAFEs to use this solution as their own and allow their students and teachers to connect and solve their work problems in real time. The school, University, and TAFEs admin can manage the users, and request and view the open request count through the admin panel.

Web App Features
Peer Panel
Account Creation
The user can create the account by entering details such as preferred name, school email address, Password, verification code, and more.
Sign In
The user can log into the portal by entering the registered email address and password.
Student Account Creation Process
The students can select their gender, year level, strongest subjects, subcategories, and availability to help other students to complete the account creation process.
Teacher Account Creation Process
The teachers can select their strongest subjects, subcategories, and availability to help other students to complete the account creation process.
The peers can add, update and manage their availability to help other peers select the days they help. They will receive the help request based on their availability.
The peers can view, edit and delete the help request they have generated on the dashboard. They can generate help requests, help other peers and chat with other peers as well. The peers can have only one request at any given time. if they already have any requests open, they won't be able to generate another request before closing the previous one.
Ask for Help
The peers can select the subject, and subcategory, and add descriptions and images or videos if available to ask for help. Other same or above-level-year students and teachers with similar subjects as their strong subjects will get a notification about the request based on their availability. The peers can get the requests based on gender specifications the school administrator has set for them.
Message Box
The peers can see the requests for the help other users have offered in the chat section. They can chat with them after accepting the request. The peers can view the basic details of the users such as name and level year. The peers can see their chats with the other peers they have offered to help with the details such as name, subject, and year. The peers can help and offer help to other students and teachers.
The peers can chat with other users (students/teachers) about their queries and can solve them through chat and share their email addresses to solve the queries over Zoom meetings. The peers can report the other peer profile to the admin for the inconvenience.
Request Accessibility
The peers can close the request right after getting the accurate solution. If they fail to close the request, they will receive a notification within 24 hours of generating the request about whether they have received the help or not. They can click on yes if they have got the help and no if they haven't gotten the accurate solution. If a user chooses to go for no, the system will report the question as a non-critical issue that the school administrator can manage.
The peers can view and update their profile along with the details such as name, year level, and email address. The peers can delete their profiles. the peers can choose whether they want to receive the push notification about the portal or not.
Push Notification
The peers can receive a push notification about the help request they got, peers accept or reject their help, peers mark the query as resolved, the addition of a new subject or subcategory to the portal, and more. The user can choose to take action or not based on their preferences.
School/ University Registration Panel
Account Creation
The admin can provide an email address, phone number, and password to create the profile.
Profile Creation
The admin can create the profile by entering their school/University name, logo, address, and contact details after validating the phone number through OTP.
Users can choose their preferred payment method and proceed with the registration process.
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StudentlinkX - Admin Panel
School Admin Panel
The admin can log in to their school management profile by entering the email address/phone number and password mentioned during the registration process after getting approval from Admin.
The admin can view the dashboard with the details such as the total number of accounts created, the total number of help requests, the total number of resolved requests, the count of offers to help, the total number of unresolved requests, the count of critical issues, the count of critical issued resolved and more. The admin can filter the counts by selecting the year and date range.
Account Created
The admin can view the total number of accounts created with the details such as student name, year, creation date, and more. The admin can filter the data based on date range, year level, name, and more.
Help Requests
The admin can view the count of requests for help along with details such as student name, level, the request generated time and date, and more. The admin can filter the data based on name, subject, subcategory, year level, and more.
Unsolved Requests
The admin can view the count of unsolved requests along with the details such as student name, level, the request generated time and date, and more. The admin can filter the data based on name, subject, subcategory, year level, and more.
Solved Requests
The admin can view the count of solved requests along with the details such as student name, level, the request generated time and date, and more. The admin can filter the data based on name, subject, subcategory, year level, and more.
Offers to Help
The admin can view the count of monthly offers along with the details such as the total count, the total count of students who got the help, and more. Users can filter the data based on name, subject, subcategory, year level, and more.
Critical Issues
The admin can view the count of total critical issues, students have reported about the other students along with the student name, reported student name, and report generation date. The admin can filter the data based on name, date range, year level, and more.
Resolved Critical Issues
The admin can view the count of the total count of resolved critical issues along with the details such as name, action taken date, and more. The admin can filter the data based on name, date range, year level, and more.
Student Activity
The admin can view the different student activities happening on the platform such as requests for help, offers to help, critical issues, unsolved requests, accounts created, accounts blocked, and more.
Requests for Help
The admin can view the generated help along with the details such as the name of the student, registered email address, subject, subcategory, question details, the request status, and more. The admin can filter the data based on the student name, subject category, subcategory, year level, request generation date range, and more.
Offers to Help
The admin can view the data about the help offered along with the details such as student name, email address, year level, subject category, subcategory, number of times helped offered by the same student, and more. The admin can filter the data based on the student name, subject category, subcategory, year level, request generation date range, and more. The admin can export the data as and when needed.
Critical Issues
The admin can view the data about the critical issues generated by the students along with the details such as student name, year level, email address, and issue description with the basic details of the name, year, and email address of the student for whom the issue was generated. The admin can view the details of actions taken to resolve the issue and can take various actions such as forwarding the issue, making a note, and resolving the issue from their end.
Resolved Critical Issues
The admin can view the data about the resolved critical issues along with the details such as student name, year level, email address, and issue description with the basic details of the name, year, and email address of the student for whom the issue was generated. The admin can filter the data based on name, subject, subcategory, year-level date range, and more. The admin can clear the data and forward them to the concerned person as well.
Unsolved Requests
The Admin can view the unsolved requests along with the details such as the name of the student, registered email address, subject, subcategory, question details, the request status, and more. The users can filter the data based on the student name, subject category, subcategory, year level, request generation date range, and more. The admin can export the data, clear the request and forward them to the concerned person as well.
Student Accounts
The admin can view the data about students' accounts created on the portal along with the data such as name, year, registered email address, date joined, gender, strongest subjects, subcategories of the strongest subjects, and more. The admin can block the student accounts and filter the data based on the student name, subject, subcategory, year level, date range, and more. The admin can export the student data.
Blocked Accounts
The admin can view the data about blocked students' accounts along with the data such as name, year, registered email address, date joined, gender, strongest subjects, subcategories of the strongest subjects, and more. The admin can unblock the student accounts and filter the data based on the student name, subject, subcategory, year level, date range, and more. The admin can export the student data.
Subject Configuration
The admin can add, update and delete the subjects for their school students. The admin can add, update and delete the subcategories of the subjects as well. The admin can view all the listed subjects and subcategories of the subjects in alphabetical order.
Student Security Configuration
The admin can decide whether the older male mates can help the younger female students of the school or not. The admin can view the educational institution's verified email domain address to make sure only students and teachers with valid domain addresses can log in to the portal and access it.
The admin can add and request to change the school email prefix and the educational institution's verified email domain address to make sure only students and teachers with valid domain addresses can log in to the portal and access it. The admin can add and update the student year level as well.
Export Chat
The admin can export the data of student chats for the selected date range. The admin can export the chat data of the single user for the specific date range by entering their registered email address.
User Integration
The admin can export the entire conversation between two users entering their registered email addresses and defining the date range.
Admin Panel
The admin can view and manage the total number of registered private schools, public schools, universities, TAFEs, and more listed on the portal.
Private School Dashboard
The admin can view and manage the total number of peers and schools listed as private schools on the portal.
Private Schools
The admin can view, add, update, and manage the private schools along with the details such as school name, registered email address, phone number, and more. The admin can manage their status such as submission received, in development, ready for testing, or active on the portal based on their listing process.
Private School Profile Creation
The admin can create the private school profile by adding the details such as school name, school address, institution type, country, phone number, school logo, application name, privacy policies, and more.
Private School Admin Profile Creation
The admin can create the primary school admins profile by entering their first name, last name, email address, and password.
Public School Dashboard
The admin can view and manage the total number of peers and schools listed as public schools on the portal.
Public Schools
The admin can view, add, update, and manage the schools along with the details such as Government body name, school name, logo, registered email address, phone number, and more. The admin can manage their status such as submission received, in development, ready for testing, or active on the portal based on their listing process.
Public School Profile Creation
The admin can create the public school profile by importing the school file directly from the local device or create one manually by adding the details such as government body name, school name, school address, institution type, admin URL prefix, country, phone number, school logo, application name, privacy policies, and more.
Public School Admin Profile Creation
The admin can create the public school admin's profile by entering their first name, last name, email address, and password.
University Dashboard
The admin can view and manage the total number of peers and universities listed on the portal.
The admin can view, add, update, and manage the universities along with the details such as the university name, logo, registered email address, phone number, and more. The admin can manage their status such as submission received, in development, ready for testing, or active on the portal based on their listing process.
University Profile Creation
The admin can create the university profile by manually adding the details such as university name, university address, institution type, admin URL prefix, country, phone number, university logo, application name, privacy policies, and more.
University Admin Profile Creation
The admin can create the university admin's profile by entering their first name, last name, email address, and password.
TAFEs Dashboard
The admin can view and manage the total number of peers and TAFEs listed on the portal.
The admin can view, add, update, and manage the TAFEs along with the details such as the TAFE name, logo, registered email address, phone number, and more. The admin can manage their status such as submission received, in development, ready for testing, or active on the portal based on their listing process.
TAFE Profile Creation
The admin can create the university profile by manually adding the details such as TAFE name, TAFE address, institution type, admin URL prefix, country, phone number, TAFE logo, application name, privacy policies, and more.
TAFE Admin Profile Creation
The admin can create the TAFE admin's profile by entering their first name, last name, email address, and password.
The admin can view, update, delete, and manage the school/ university/ TAFEs and school/ university/ TAFEs admin profile along with the details such as admin name, school/university/ TAFEs name, registered email address, phone number, and active or inactive status after selecting the school.
The admin can view, add, delete, and manage the peer profiles of the selected school/ university/ TAFEs along with the details such as student name, school/ university/ TAFEs name, registered email address, registered phone number, and active or inactive status.
Email Notifications
The admin will get email notifications for various actions such as the app-built request for any new school registration, school/ university application in development request, app in the testing process, testing completion, approval pending, school/university app activation, school/ university/ TAFEs app inactivated, app removed from app stores and more for every school/ university/ TAFEs listed on StudentlinkX portal.
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For Customers
Project Approach & Results
The White-label solution for education helpers demands so much work as it has to work perfectly fine for students, teachers, schools, universities, admin, and every other person who is going to use the platform one way or the other. The client wanted a simple and easy-to-use user interface that should not be troublesome even for a non-technical person who uses this mobile application to launch their own registered mobile application effortlessly and give a robust platform where their students and teachers can connect with each other and solve doubts with the help of subject experts within 24 hours.
So, we aimed to develop a mobile application that can fulfill all the mentioned concerns of the client using different frameworks and approaches. To begin with, we analyzed the concept hypothetically and formed a file with the exclusive details covering all these points, diagrams, scenarios, problems, flow charts, and SRS for the entire workflow and planned the App development process. After finalizing the document, for the next phase, we moved on with Mobile App architectures for StudentlinkX based on the client's requirements. After that Our Mobile app designers started working on the prepared mobile app wire-frames and Application design. After getting approval on the final app design, our app developers started working on the development phase for the user-side panel. Next, they started working on the admin panel and lastly, they focused on the delivery partner panel. We created the prototype for the StudentlinkX app with all the native data, After the client's review and confirmation of the prototype. The Mobile app developers started their development process by choosing the best-fit technology for Android, iOS, the web portal, and the admin panel. We integrated APIs in the StudentlinkX app and completed the whole app data flow.
We chose native technology Swift for iOS development and Kotlin for Android development and used JSON-based rest API development with Node and Laravel Framework. Hyperlink Infosystem developers used Angular 9 to create an admin panel for basic tasks such as managing rides, user details ratings and reviews, etc. We used Web3 for calling smart contracts with the help of Solidity. Our web developers used CodeIgniter/Laravel with PHP v7.2 for the web portal. Our app developers used Magic SDK for passwordless authentication providing secure login. Any existing education helpers' mobile apps usually face the problem of poor user experience. Our app developers eliminated that with the help of a Matic network to deliver an exceptional user experience.
From requirement gathering to deployment, the StudentlinkX app development journey was full of challenges. However, our dedication and teamwork led us to deliver the solution successfully, as well as within the prescribed timeline & budget. After the development phase, our QA team tested the mobile application before finally delivering it to the client.

1. User-friendly and easy-to-use UI
The primary concern of the white-label mobile application is to provide the simplest user interface with enhanced flexibility that can accommodate different branding requirements. So, our mobile app developer created many custom views and created a UI that looks modern and easy to use and browse through at the same time.
2. Development Customization
Another challenge we had to face was offering easily customizable options for our different clients. Our developers created a codebase that is modular and easy to modify with none to little technical knowledge.
3. App Testing
Testing this white-label app was challenging because we need to test it with different branding requirements. Our team of developers made sure that the solution fulfills every single requirement of the client while offering top-notch user experience to educational organizations, educators, and students.
Technology Stacks
We have used the latest technologies that can justify client requirements at the best to deliver bug-free solutions.