SightRunnin' Greece is an innovative startup that combines running and sightseeing through an application for all of the country's guests who perceive sports as a way of life. What do you need to do? Just choose your desired running tour, lace-up, put your headphones on, and let the app show you around the city's highlights. While you are running and as you get closer to the first point of interest through GPS, a museum, for instance, you'll automatically start listening to its story and all other relevant info. After, the GPS will guide you to the next point of interest to hear the respective story and information. Whether you are in town for business or leisure, and if you consider running a part of your life and do not want to skip running or just feel like walking, the new mobile application SightRunnin' Greece is the best way to explore the city. You can cover your free time by visiting someplace, getting details of KMs you have run, how much calories you burn, and more. The best part of this app is designed for online and offline purposes, so there is no need to have internet connectivity to use it.
Client Requirements
Our client wanted to make an app where visitors can run at their own pace to the best places and sights of the Greece city, and they can know its culture and history with vocal and on-screen GPS directions whenever they choose. With this platform, visitors have no tension for tourist buses and pre-arranged hours for guided tours. Moreover, he wanted to make this platform online and offline, so visitors have no internet connectivity, even though they can use this app. He approached Hyperlink InfoSystem with this idea to develop SightRunnin's Greece app for Android and iOS platforms. After the internal team discussion, we also analyzed and suggested some interesting and useful things like users can have their actual data about how long they are running, how much their calories burnt, and their exact steps of a package tour. It is the most beautiful spot within your reach, most economically and ecologically.

- To use this app, users have to be a member of this app by sharing necessary details like name, gender, weight, height, date of birth, and email id with password.
- Users can Log in through Facebook also.
State Selection
- Purchase type of tours which contain popular or historical places for help to guide users while running.
- Users can select tours as per their capacity about how long they can run.
Map Integration
- There is no fixed starting point in any tour, but Map will fetch your current location and set an appropriate graph to complete the whole tour.
- We have an integrated map that helps users to run smoothly at an unknown place.
- Each place is connected with each other so users can simply reach that specific place step by step.
- When users are running, they can get proper direction by GPS.
- Once users reach that particular place, one popup will appear on users' phones. Users need to just tap on that notification; an app will provide full guideline or history by vocal for that place.
Offline Usage
- Once users download a particular tour after that, there is no need for internet connectivity; they can also use geo guidelines and get knowledge about historical places in offline mode.
Add Card Details
- For payment of tour plan, users need to fill card details.
- Braintree Payment Gateway is integrated to make an online payment.

Tour Download
- For offline use, users need to download a selected tour. Using offline mode saves users Internet data; in any circumstances, internet facilities are not available even though users can enjoy that tour once they have downloaded.
- When users download that tour, we save useful information regarding every place which is covered in the tour.
- Users can edit and update their profile.
- Forgot Password option available to recover your profile.
- Users can change their password.
Burn Calories Details
- When users complete their tour, they will get a perfect figure of how much calories they burnt during the tour.
Step Counts
- Once users complete their tour, they will get an actual count of steps they walk.
Speed/Time Tracker
- We have provided users' calories burn figure, and step counts functionality in the app. But how fast they completed their tour is the essential requirement to know about users' actual fitness data. So we have integrated time tracker functionality to see the speed of their tour.
Share Your Tour On Social Media
- Users can share their tour details on social platforms directly through the app.
Emergency Calling
- We have provided a facility for an emergency call in any situation of trouble; just press an emergency button.
Admin Panel Features
Users Management
- Add, Update, and Delete Users
- Active/Inactive Users
Tour Management
- Add, update, and delete the tour plan
- Add, update, and delete places of tour plan
- Active/Inactive tour plan
Country/City Management
- Add, update, and delete countries and cities
- Active/Inactive countries and cities
Package Management
- Add, update, and delete packages
- Active/Inactive packages

To Handle Data On Offline Mode
A client wanted to develop an app that works in offline mode also. Once users download the tour plan, they can use geo guidelines and information about historical places on offline mode. To give accurate information like a map, geolocation data, or vocal according to a selected package on offline mode was tough for our developers. Our developers have managed this whole feature when an app is online; they check if any saved tours have any modification done by admin. Developers needed to update the full package and sync that amendment with our located server to provide accurate offline mode data.
Popup On The Lock Screen
As per the app scenario, when users running their phone is on lock mode at that time they enter any nearby historic place, we need to give popup regarding that place information if they want to get guidance about that place through the headphone. To fetch a nearby location and give popup to their locked phone was tough when their phone is on lock mode. Our developers conducted overlay service & wake up call for the popup in the lock screen at developing time to get a dialog on their locked screen quickly.
Android OS Support:
4.4 to 7
Java using Android Studio 3.0.1
Android Supported Devices:
480x800, 720x1280, 1080x1920, 1440x2560
Language Support:
iOS OS Support:
8.0 to 11.0
Swift using Xcode
iOS Supported Devices:
iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus
Language Support:
Admin Panel & API
Framework: CodeIgniter
Technology: PHP, MySQL
API: JSON format
Browser/Device Compatibility:
Mozilla Firefox: Min 40.0 to Max 46.0 version
Google Chrome: Min 44.0 to Max 51.0 version
Internet Explorer: Min 10.0 to Max 11.0 version
Apple Safari: Min 8.0 to Max 9.1 version