- Get the News updates in a flashThe days are gone when we had to rumble through the pages of newspapers or need to read entire news articles to stay updated with the latest news. V***N**** is a mobile application that allows users to view news short video based on the categories they are interested in. Follow the other profile, stay updated with the latest global news, share it with your friends, and have access to more functionalities through a single news-based mobile application.

Client Requirements
The client wanted a news application where users can get news updates as reels and stay updated with all the latest news of their preferred categories. The main requirement was to allow the users to upload quick reels about the trending news so that other users can view and browse through them quickly. Users should be able to follow each other and send Reelpraises to support the reels.

App Features
Create Account
Users can register themselves by providing information like name, email address, mobile number, password, and more. The system will send a confirmation code to the registered email address and mobile number accompanied by the login details for the authentication process.
Users can log in to the platform through login details sent to the registered email during the account creation process.
Social Integration
Users can sign up and log into the system using their social media accounts such as Gmail, Apple, or Facebook. Users can integrate their social media accounts such as Google.
Profile Creation
Users can enter the details such as profile picture, name, username, Bio, Date of birth, and more. Users can choose to keep their profile as private or public.
Contact Integration
Users can integrate their contact to find other users and connect with them.
Users can view the new reels one by one based on location, popularity & also the people who they follow along with their details such as reel description, category, location, username, news source, and more.
News Reels
Users can view, play, and pause the reels. Users can view the count of likes and comments they reel have got, along with the details such as comments, and comment replies. Users can like and comment on the reel. Users can share the reels on other social media platforms and even with their friends as private messages.
Reel Praise
Users can send the reel coins to the creator as reel praise based on the balance they have in their wallets.
Reel Action
Users can take various actions such as reporting the reel, marking it as this is not news, marking the category as not interested, or following the creator.
Report Reels
Users can report the reels and creator by choosing a reason such as misleading information, spam, hate speech, Bullying, animal cruelty, or more.
Explore Reels
The users can search, explore and view the reels based on different categories, trending reels, locations, hashtags, keywords, creator usernames, and more along with the details such as headline, number of views, creator name, profile picture, and more.
Reel Leaderboard
The users can find and view the list of popular reels placed on the leaderboard based on their ranks along with their details such as reel preview, the username of the creator, reel coins, and more weekly based. The ranks of reels will be based on the number of likes and views they have received from other users on video. Users can filter the categories based on trending, top reels, top contributors, top commenters, and more.
Upload Reels
The users can upload the new reels ranging from 10 sec to 90 sec directly through their gallery or capture the video through a camera. Users can add, and edit their video through various actions such as trimming the video, applying color filters, a green screen effect, music, subtitles, text, stickers, and more.
Post Reels
The users can choose their thumbnail, reel headline, add source, add location, mark as NSFW, mark as an expert, and more to post the new reel on their profile. Users can download the reel, save it as a draft, or publish it based on their preferences.
Account Activity
The users can view their account activity such as reel like, share, comment, follow requests, and more along with the details of other users.
The users can send messages as texts, images, and reels to the other users.
Public User Profile
The users can view the public profile details along with the details such as username, profile picture, badge, name, bio, number of posted reels, number of followers, number of following, all the posted newsreels, number of comments, and more. The user can follow the other user directly.
Comment Section
The users can view the comment section along with the details such as comment, posted time, count of likes on the comment, count of total comments, RVP, and more.
Private User Profile
The users can view the private profile detail of other users along with the details such as username, Bio, profile picture, badge, number of reels posted, count of followers, count of following, and more. Users can send a follower request to other users.
View Linked Social Accounts
The users can view other linked social media accounts such as Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, TikTok, and more.
My Profile
The users can view their profile along with the details such as username, profile picture, badge, bio, count of newsreels, count of followers, count of following, and more. The users can view their created newsreels and drafted reels in the draft folder, total comments done by them, total liked videos.
Comment Section
The users can view and manage their comment section along with the details such as comment, Posted Time, Count Of likes on that comment, Count of replied comments, RVP, and more. Users can view the liked and saved videos along with the details such as thumbnail, count of view, reel category, title, tags, and more.
User Badges
The users can view and earn the badges based on their contributions & activity in the app.
Follower Management
Users can see all users that they follow with an option to unfollow. Users can see all the users that are following them with the option to follow or unfollow them or block that user.
Edit Profile
Users can edit their profile along with the details such as their name, username, bio, date of birth, account status, and more.
Users can view and manage their settings such as Notifications, privacy, wallet, transactions, messages, comments, mute categories, language, social account, feedback, contact us, app policies, rules, app tutorials, and more.
Push Notification
Users can receive push notifications for various activities such as activities of followers, new messages, and like, share, or comment actions for their posted newsreels. Along with this, they can receive the push notification for new follow requests, coin purchases, coin redemption, received RVP, sent RVP, and more.
Users can view and manage privacy-related settings options such as private account, change password, Email Id, phone number, Terms & conditions, privacy policy, Deactivate account & data, and more.
Change Password
Users can change and update the profile password only if they can insert the correct old password.
Change Email Address
User can change their email id once they get confirmation from the previously registered email address.
Change Phone Number
User can change their phone number once they provide the confirmation code from the previously registered phone number.
Account Deactivation
Users can delete and deactivate their newsreel account.
Users can view their reel coins balance. The users can add reel coins by purchasing a package of reel coins.
Users can view their reel coin transactions along with the details such as my reel coins, earned RVP, sent and received reel coins, and more. The users can view the reel coins details such as date & time of earning and spending, amount, reason for earning, and more.
Message Setting
Users can choose who can send them the message such as everyone, friends only, none, and more.
Comment Setting
Users can choose who can comment on their newsreels such as everyone, friends only, none, and more.
Mute Reels
The users can mute the reels for up to 6 categories. Users will not be able to view the reels belonging to the same category on their home screen.
Sign Out
The users can sign out from their account and login back with the registered email address and password.
More Screens

Admin Panel
Admin can view and manage the list of the total number of active users, videos, categories, reported users, and more.
Manage Users
Admin can view, add, update, edit, delete, and manage the list of users along with the details such as ID, register date, profile type, username, email address, Expert status, active status, Bio, DOB, profile picture, verification, contributor level, contributor name and more. Admin can sort and filter the user details.
Manage Videos
Admin can view, add, update, edit, delete, and manage the list of videos along with the details such as ID, update date, Image, name, category name, published status, approved status, source link, video, location, expertise level, registered date and more. Admin can sort and filter the video details.
Reported Posts
Admin can view, add, update, and manage the list of reported posts along with the details such as ID, name, post ID, video, action, category, subcategory, reason, and more. Admin can block and unblock the reported videos. Admin can sort and filter the reported post details.
Reported Users
Admin can view, add, update, and manage the list of reported users along with the details such as ID, name, report name, report reason, category, subcategory, reason, and more. Admin can block and unblock the reported users. Admin can sort and filter the reported user details.
Manage Category
Admin can search, view, add, update, edit, delete, and manage the list of categories along with the details such as ID, register date, name, activation status, subcategories, and more. Admin can activate and deactivate the listed categories. Admin can sort and filter the category details.
Manage Feedback
Admin can view the list of feedback along with the details such as ID, name, email address, feedback, and more. Admin can sort and filter the feedback details.
Manage Profile
Admin can add, edit and update the admin profile along with the details such as first name, last name, email address, and more. Admin can change the registered password. Admin can log out from the panel.
Colors & Typography
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
For Customers
Project Approach & Results
We might have various mobile applications out there to stay updated with the trending news, but having a news application that allows users to watch newsreels is a unique concept. As the V***N**** mobile application has a unique concept the client wanted to rule the market offering an easily browsable user interface of the application.
So, our aim for developing the mobile application was to resolve all the issues that users tend to face using different frameworks and approaches. To begin with, we analyzed the concept hypothetically and created a file with the complete details covering all these points, diagrams, scenarios, problems, flow charts, and SRS for the entire workflow and planned the App development process. After finalizing the document, In the third phase, based on the client's requirements and our findings we defined Mobile App architectures for V***N**** App. After that, our mobile app developers started the mobile app development process based on the app design provided by the client. We created the prototype for the V***N**** app with all the native data, After the client's review and confirmation of the prototype. The Mobile app developers started their development process by choosing the best-fit technology for Android, iOS, and the admin panel. We integrated APIs in the V***N**** app and completed the whole app data flow.
We chose native technology Swift for iOS development and Kotlin for Android development and used JSON-based rest API development with Node and Laravel Framework. Hyperlink Infosystem developers used Angular 9 to create an admin panel for basic tasks such as managing reels, users, reel coins, etc. We used web3 for calling smart contracts with the help of Solidity. Our app developers used Magic SDK for passwordless authentication providing secure login. Any existing news-sharing mobile apps usually face the problem of poor user experience. Our app developers eliminated that with the help of a Matic network to deliver an exceptional user experience.
From requirement gathering to deployment, the V***N**** app development journey was full of challenges. However, our dedication and teamwork led us to deliver the solution successfully, as well as within the prescribed timeline & budget. After the development phase, our QA team tested the mobile application before finally delivering it to the client.

1. Payment Verification
As this app allows users to purchase reel coins, our app developers had to integrate various payment methods. Along with that, they had to verify the success or failure of the payment message.
2. Video Upload Quality
As the video reels are the core functionalities of the mobile application. our developers found it challenging to upload the videos in high quality. But our team of developers made it possible to upload the video and maintain the quality of the thumbnail at the same time.
3. Reel Video Playing Quality
The newsreels play continuously one by one we had to make sure to maintain the video quality without taking much buffering time. Our app developers improved the user experience by first starting the pre-buffer 1 video while the current one runs.
Technology Stacks
We have used the latest technologies that can justify client requirements at the best to deliver bug-free solutions.