Serey is an exciting blockchain based social media app where you earn rewards for posting, commenting and curating. An app is developed on Ionic based framework. The main focus is on Cambodia country and creating an intellectual society in which people are encouraged to write quality content and to be creative. Authors can post any information like their phrases, quotes, blogs, anecdotes, photos, videos, memes, songs, and more. Serey platform encourages the participant to learn to jump with ideas, with words, and with the pen. When you get more upvotes on your post parallelly you will get Serey coin in form of reward. The best part of this app is, Any users can send and receive Serey coin.

Client Requirements
A client of Serey believes that every people of Cambodian individual know just a part of what is collectively known. Believing that the nature of our collective knowledge is therefore essentially decentralized, we would like to encourage sharing of the unique information. He wanted to make an online platform where people bootstrap the familiarity of the Cambodian people with blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies through the power of a social media platform. He consulted Hyperlink InfoSystem about his unique idea for app development on the Ionic platform. After some team discussion, we have successfully implemented Blockchain based social app "Serey" that encourage sharing new ideas and interested thing by rewarding content with Serey coin.

- Signup only available through the website.
- Login with email and password.
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Search Post
- Users can search by Tag or Users
Share Post
- Users can share posts on other social media
View Profile
- View their name, comment, Serey coin and much more.
View Post
- Users can upvote, comment on particular post.
- Users can directly view all image of a particular post and download as well.
- Users can flag any post.

Create Post
- Give a title to your post, give different tags like Serey, life, World, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, photography, blog, travel, news and many more.
- In content you can edit your text in difftent formation like Bold, italic, bullet and much more.
Uplaod image in post
- You can upload images by selecting capture picture, select from a gallery or copy an external URL.
Transfer Serey
- You need to fill username or scan QR, fill amount of serey coin and simply transfer it
- Compact View: If any post is bigger then this fucntion will help to compact that post.
- Night Mode: With this function you can turn your whole app into night mode which helps to read content easily in dark.
- Follow & Followers: Users can view their own following and followers list.
Edit Profile
- Users can change cover page and profile picture.
UI Management
As Serey is a hybrid app so we have to take care about the design which should display consistency throughout all the device of Android and iOS. It was a difficult task for our developers as managing design in both platforms. After some deep research and analysis, we improve our bootstrap CSS to successfully implemented Hybrid app.
Manage Web Page
Hybrid app loaded in form of web pages so we need to take care that every page should load faster and responsive. It was little bit tough for our developers. To resolve this difficulty, our developers have minimized and divided their code that improves speed and usability of pages.
To Display iOS Keyboard
During developing time, our developers have faced issues with the iOS keyboard in scroll view. So, proper layouts not open while launching the apps in any iOS devices. To launch app successfully on iOS devices, our developers have used the alternate layout for the scroll view.

Development: Ionic framework 3
Android OS Support: 4.1 to 6
Android Supported Devices: All Android Phone & Tablet
iOS OS Support: 9 to 12
iOS Supported Devices: iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPad