HRythm is an intuitive employee engagement app at your fingertips. HRythm helps smoothen communication, make positivity, and team bonding in a company. HRythm will save time and instantly access key documents and Create a CEO channel to connect with all employees using media posts. Once you purchase a subscription to HRythm, Admin panel access is given to you that allows you to post content in the app for your team. HRythm is the best application for organizations where it will be very smooth to manage great staff. HRythm helps many organizations to make their onboarding process both time and cost-efficient.
Client Requirements
Many manual works at many organizations, like handling employee details, collecting employees' opinions, providing any news related to a company, etc. Our Client wanted to make an online platform where employees can get all news related company and industry news and share their opinion for decision-making in a better and faster way with accessing data in offline mode. By taking this idea, a client approached Hyperlink InfoSystem to make an Android application, making it easy to handle this all manual work on an online platform. Hyperlink InfoSystem has developed an Android app, "HRythm," which allows you to get all your employee-related job done on the move.
- After approving the company by super admin, Employees can log in.
Employees can see a demo app as a visitor.
- Employees can see company documents, Perfect for hosting Product Videos, Sales Brochures, Policies, Training Calendars & Onboarding, etc..
- Employees can bookmark their favorite pages.
- Employees like, unlike, and add a comment on a particular section.
- Employees have an option to search on a particular section and their subsection.
Top Speak
- Reach out to all employees through any media post.
- Users can download documents, Watch videos & bookmark top speak.
- Read all company and industry news.
- Delete particular news which users don't want to read again.
- Employees can sort news based on, newest first, oldest first, most Viewed.
- Search particular news and details.
- Search and View all the details of employees.
- Employees can sort contacts based on A to Z and Z to A.
- Vote on particular polls which you like the most.
- See the result of polls.
- Delete any polls.
- Employees can sort polls based on the newest first, oldest first.
- Employees can search particular polls and details.
- Add, bookmark, and vote any question.
- Give answer for particular question.
- Edit, Delete answer.
- Give vote to answer which you like the most.
- Employees can sorting questions and answers based on recent, most upvotes, unanswered, active.
- See Hub, top speak, Q&A, which users have bookmarked.
- Employees can remove bookmarked list.
Most Viewed
- See all the hub which are most viewed by other employees.
Recently Viewed
- See all the hub which are recently visited by other employees.
- Employees can submit content with relevant images.
Super Admin Panel Features:
Company List
- Add and delete companies
- Export company details to excel sheet
- Active/Inactive companies
- Add and delete chapters and a particular section of chapters.
- Add and delete Subscription plan
- View Payments regarding a particular company's subscription plan
- Add and delete countries
Advertise List
- Add and delete advertise
Media Gallery
- View all media uploaded
- Add and delete notification
- Send notification for particular company

Company Admin Panel Features:
Address Book
- Add and delete employees
- Active/Inactive employees
- Verify all employees
- Add and delete chapters or particular section of chapters.
- Add and Delete news.
- Add and delete polls
- See result of polls
Top Speaks
- Add and delete top speaks.
- Add, update, and delete question and answer.
- See details of subscriptions
- Buy subscription
- Add and delete notification for particular employee.
- View and delete a notification which is coming from super admin panel.
1) Sent List
2) Received List
Media Gallery
- View all media uploaded

Store Data In Offline Mode
In this app, we have integrated offline mode functionality. When an employee is online, at that time, we need to store the smallest data like, bookmark, like, unlike, comment in offline mode, which they visit at least one time. We need to create a database in the same format as the back-end database and handle it properly to handle the real data. After some research, we have resolved this difficulty by storing all API response in-app database to get all offline mode data effortlessly.
To Handle Top Speak Data
As per the app scenario, in the Top Speaks section, many content types come from the back-end side like doc, ppt, pdf, videos, image, and only URL. So we need to handle proper ways like videos go than it's necessary to play video in full screen and other document needs to download. This was the toughest challenge for our developers. Our developers have implemented a different screen for different files to resolve this challenge and used Exoplayer to play video in recycler view and full screen during the development process.
Handle Text Size
We have integrated filtering options for text size like large, medium, and small. If the employee selects text size on one page simultaneously, the same text size needs to change for every app screen. Our development team smartly managed this scenario by defining an app-level text size globally and use in all the screens.
Android OS Support:
4.3 to 8.0
Java Using Android Studio-3.1.3
Android Supported Devices:
480x800, 720x1280, 1080x1920, 1440x2560
Admin Panel
API: JSON format
Supported Browser:
Mozilla Firefox: Min 40.0 to Max 46.0 version,
Google Chrome: Min 44.0 to Max 51.0 version,
Internet Explorer : Min 10.0 to Max 11.0 version