CabyRide-Hailing Mobile Application
What if you are in a hurry and you cannot find even a single auto or taxi that can take you to your desired location so always end up being late right? Guess what, now you won't be late for any of your meetings or come back home safe from the late-night party on your own as well as there is always a ride waiting for you to drop you at your desired location with a few taps on the mobile screen. Caby is a ride-hailing mobile application where you can register yourself as a rider and book yourself a ride by submitting a ride request. The request will be sent automatically to a Caby registered driver near you, alerting the driver to your location. The accepting Caby driver will then come and pick you up and drive you to your requested destination. Say goodbye to overcrowded bus rides with the Caby mobile application.

Client Requirements
The client wanted a ride-hailing mobile application where users can book rides for themselves as well as for their loved ones as well. The main requirement was to provide an easy-to-use UI so that anyone can book the ride even without any age barrier or much technical knowledge. The client wanted to set the algorithms that can automatically figure out the navigational ride route for the driver, calculate the ride distance and ride fare, and transfer the ride payment to the driver from users' selected payment methods like card, wallet or cash.

Caby - Ride-Hailing Mobile Application
Create Account
Users can register themselves by providing information like name, email address and mobile number. The system will send a confirmation email on the registered email accompanied with the login details for the authentication process.
Users can log in to the platform using login details sent to the registered email during the account creation process.
User-friendly Interface
Users should be able to enter pick up and drop locations seamlessly. They should be able to choose their prefered vehicle, and the ride fare should be charged based on the kilometer and vehicle they have selected.
Place Later Ride
Users can book their ride a few hours in advance to avoid booking cancellation at the end moments.
Ride Tracking
Users can track their ride in real-time after they book the ride till the point they reach their destination through GPS.
Share Ride to Other User
If users are unable to ride the booked ride they can share their rides with other users to save their booking cancellation fare and another user can ride it for the same ride fare.
Book Ride for Other User
Users can book a ride from their application for their loved ones just by providing pick up and drop locations. The user should share the OTP for authentication.
In-App Promotions
The Caby allows businesses to use real-time and personalized messages to help engage, keep and upsell Caby users to their products & services.
Users can register their emergency contact information. They can even call them through SOS in terms of emergency.
Multiple payment methods
Users can choose their preferred payment mode from cash, card, digital wallet or UPI transaction.
Smooth Communication
Driver and Rider can call each other for location directly to keep up the smooth communication.
Rate and Review
The riders can rate and review their ride and driver based on their experience. It can help to improve the ride experience for other riders and also help drivers to improve their services.
Referral code
Users can get referral codes from existing users that can give discounts on fare charges to both existing and new users.
Driver Panel Features
Drivers can view whenever the rider books the ride and choose to accept or reject the ride. If the driver accepts the ride they can view all the ride details later such as the riders name, contact details, destination, ride fare and transaction mode.
Ride List
The Caby drivers can manage their ride list with details such as how many rides they have accepted, how much they have earned and so on.
Multiple Payment Methods
The driver can accept the payment through various payment modes such as cash, card, digital wallet or UPI transaction.
Smooth Communication
Driver can reach out to users for directly to discuss the location updates or any other quries to keep up the smooth communication.
Real-time Delivery Tracking
Drivers can track the pick up location, Drop location and how much time it can take them to drop the users.
Rate and Review
The driver can see the rate and review for their pick up and drop facilities from the users based on their experience. It can help them to improve their service and focus on their flaws. It can also help them to generate tips from the users.
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For Customers
Project Approach & Results
We all know there are so many other ride-hailing mobile applications out there but Caby wanted to rule the market through its easy to use user interface so that users can book their ride and enjoy it effortlessly.
So, our aim for developing the mobile application was to resolve all the issues that users tend to face using different frameworks and approaches. To begin with, we analyzed the concept hypothetically and created a file with the complete details covering all these points, diagrams, scenarios, problems, flow charts, and SRS for the entire workflow and planned the App development process. After finalizing the document, In the third phase, based on the client's requirements and our findings we defined Mobile App architectures for Caby App. After that Our Mobile app designers started working on the prepared mobile app wire-frames and Application design. After getting approval on the final app design, our app developers move ahead with the development phase. We created the prototype for the Caby app with all the native and data, After the client's review and confirmation of the prototype. The Mobile app developers started their development process by choosing the best-fit technology for android, iOS and the admin panel. We integrated API's in the Caby app and completed the whole app data flow.
We chose native technology swift for iOS development and Kotlin for android development and used JSON-based rest API development with Node and Laravel Framework. Hyperlink Infosystem developers used Angular 9 to create an admin panel for basic tasks such as managing rides, user details rating and reviews etc. We used web3 for calling the smart contracts with the help of solidity. Our app developers had used Magic SDK for passwordless authentication providing secure login. Any existing ride-hailing mobile apps usually face the problem of poor user experience. Our app developers eliminated that with the help of a Matic network to deliver an exceptional user experience.
From requirement gathering to deployment, the Caby app development journey was full of challenges. However, our dedication and teamwork led us to deliver the solution successfully, as well as within the prescribed timeline & budget. After the development phase, our QA team tested the mobile application before finally delivering it to the client.

1. User friendly and easy to use UI
The primary concern of the ride-hailing mobile application is to provide the simplest user interface. So, our mobile app developer created many custom views and created a UI which looks modern at the same time it should be simple and easy to use.
2. Real-time ride tracking
Another application requirement is that Drivers / Customers should be able to easily track their ride in real-time from ride navigation. Our developers resolved the challenge to integrate google maps and used route APIS to draw ride routes.
3. Book and share rides for other users
In Caby customers can book and share the ride or other customers this was a challenging part of the Caby app as the system needs to manage a lot of data and at the same time the system needs to notify the user for whom the ride is booked.
4. Multiple payment gateways
The client wanted to integrate multiple payment gateways such as digital wallets, cards and so on. The Hyperlink Infosystem developers integrated M Pesa payment gateway for instant payment from sim card.
Technology Stacks
We have used the latest technologies that can justify client requirements at the best to deliver bug-free solutions.