***** - Blockchain Based NFT Marketplace
Start Communication - Better, Together & Wherever
Note: Due to NDA, app name is hidden.***** is a social marketplace that allows users to trade non-fungible tokens (NFT). NFT is a type of digital asset that represents digital arts such as GIFs, collectables, virtual avatars, and video game skins, etc. Users can trade NFT along with that users can set royalty with NFT at the time of creation. The platform allows users to trade the NFT with the help of digital currency like Matic. The ***** mobile application also allows users to add and withdraw digital coins like Matic for smooth trading. Apart from that, the user can follow other users, view each other's NFT posts and communicate with them using the chat functionality.
- Direct Buy: Users can buy or sell NFT directly from another user.
- Auction Buy: Users can trade NFT in with the bidding process in Auction.
- Raffle: Users can purchase a lottery ticket and win the raffle with NFT.

Client Requirements
In this digital era, there are not even a few things that you have to do without the help of digital. Technology has even made the financial transaction quick and effortless with services like net banking, UPI and even digital coins. One can even showcase their skills by developing digital art, GIFs, video, etc. Many people even trade these digital arts in exchange for digital coins. One of our US-based clients who is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about blockchain technology approached Hyperlink Infosystem with a mobile application idea. He wanted to develop a platform where users can trade their digital artwork using NFT. Along with that, it should allow users to create and trade their NFT using all three methods as mentioned above. The platform should also allow users to trade NFT with digital cryptocurrency coins like Matic with the use of blockchain. The platform should also allow users to add and withdraw cryptocurrency for buying NFT.

In this NFT based mobile application, We have developed some classic and simple user-side features such as login, registration, post creation, bid and buying as per client requirements. The client also wanted home and feed posts where users can see other users' posts and update their own profiles. Our team of developers has the below-listed features for the mobile application.
Create Account
Users can register themselves by providing information like name, email address and mobile number. The system will send a confirmation email on the registered email accompanied with the login details for the authentication process.
Users can log in to the platform using login details sent to the registered email during the account creation process.
Complete Profile
Users can enter the remaining details to complete the profile as a profile picture, username, about info etc. after successful login.
Users can set the interest for interested NFT posts.
Home and Feed Post
Users can view and manage the post they have created and follow other people to view their posts. The feed will showcase all types of posts like direct buy, raffle, and auction.
Post Details
Users can view every detail about the post like price, time, token address, previous owners, etc. Users can also buy the post directly. The platform also allows users to like - comment directly from the post list on the post they are interested in.
Buy and Bid
Users can directly buy any post available for the trade using the Matic cryptocurrency they have in their digital wallet. Besides this, the platform also allows users to bid on the auction post and buy a ticket for raffle posts.
Create NFT/Post
Users can create any type of post and add required details like caption, description, price, royalty, time, tag, etc.
Users can view the other users' profiles with their post-collection and creation.
Users can create a folder and save their NFT/ Post to the folder.
Users can view all the NFT/Posts based on their interest in their feed and search any post by name, tag, username, etc.
Followers/ Following
The platform also allows users to view the list of their followers and following.
Users can get every notification regarding post winner, follower, like-comment post, etc.
More Screens

Admin Panel
The Admin panel has a lot of handy functionalities. As per the client requirement, we have developed a dashboard for the admin where he can manage the users, posts, categories, content violations and restrictions along with detailed app analytics about application usage to user engagement.
Admin can view and manage all the details centrally like number of users, reported user, number of posts, reported post, total bids, total sales, total volume, etc.
The admin has access to detailed data analytics.
Category List
Admin can add, update, delete and manage the category list.
Interest List
Admin can add, update, delete and manage the Interest list.
User List
Admin have access to add, view, edit, and delete users.
Admin can manage the Block/Unblock user list.
Admin can search any user with first name, last name, phone, or registered email address.
Admin can provide badges to users.
Reported User List
Admin can manage the reported user list. Admin can take appropriate actions for blocked/deleted users.
Post List
Admin can manage all types of posts and take appropriate action to delete the post.
Reported Post List
Admin can take appropriate actions regarding reported posts with a delete option.
Page Content
Admin has full authority to add and update the privacy policy, about us, etc.
Charity List
Admin can add, update, remove and manage the charity list.
Violations List
Admin can set, add, update and delete the rules for violation content.
Work Sans
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Color Palette

1. Decentralize the Large size of the image
The primary requirement of the mobile application is to trade the digital arts using blockchain. The blockchain works on a decentralized approach. Each digital art image can be large that can encounter problems while saving the image. So our mobile app developers came up with the solution to use IPFS to store large-size images and decentralized things.
2. To Manage Raffle winner
Another application requirement that allows users to create a raffle for NFT, where users can buy a ticket for the NFT and announce the lottery winner after the designated time. Our developers encounter the challenge of creating an algorithm for the winner that they resolved by developing a custom algorithm specifically for the mobile application.
Project Approach & Results
As we are aware, blockchain is not the most scalable ecosystem currently. it always encounters problems like slow indexing at the time of creation, block size restrictions, multiple edition creation, etc. All these problems demand a unique solution to provide an impeccable user experience. So the client approached Hyperlink Infosystem with this great idea to develop a unique, secure and scalable NFT marketplace - *****.
So, our aim for developing this marketplace was to resolve all the mentioned issues using different frameworks and approaches. To begin with, we created a file with the complete details covering all these points, scenarios, problems, flow charts, and SRS. After finalizing the document, Our Mobile app designers started working on the app design phase. After getting approval on the final app design, our app developers move ahead with the development phase. The Mobile app developers started their development process by choosing the best-fit technology for android, iOS and the admin panel.
We chose native technology swift for iOS development and Kotlin for android development and used JSON-based rest API development with Node and Laravel Framework. Hyperlink Infosystem developers used Angular 9 to create an admin panel for basic tasks such as managing users, posts, reports, etc. We used web3 for calling the smart contracts with the help of solidity. Our app developers had used Magic SDK for passwordless authentication providing secure login. Any existing blockchain apps usually face the problem of poor user experience. Our app developers eliminated that with the help of a Matic network to deliver an exceptional user experience.
After the development phase, our QA team tested the mobile application before finally delivering it to the client.

Technology Stacks
We have used the latest technologies that can justify client requirements at the best to deliver bug-free solutions.